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Vom Behördenschreiben bis zum Vor-Ort-Termin unterstützen wir Sie persönlich, fachlich und maßgeschneidert wie Sie es brauchen.


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24/7 Support


Free Guides


Modern Design


High Quality


Premium Addons

Wie wir arbeiten

Structured Educational Programs

In our courses, we strive to combine all aspects you need for your project, including:

  • Analytics of possible solutions
  • Training of practical skills
  • Project management
  • Promotion & Marketing

Easy to Start

Our courses are adjusted for all levels of knowledge, from a complete newbie to an advanced level of skills.

We got all aspects covered and will help you improve your expertise in any theme you choose.

Real Projects Practice

Along with training exercises, we provide training in real projects, so you can see the actual effect and results of solutions and skills you gain as you learn

Pakete für jeden Bedarf

Choose an affordable plan that’s packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customers loyalty, and drivinf sales.

Maintenance & Support


The essentials to provide you with stress-free maintenance.

checkWeekly Updates
checkDaily Backups
checkWeekly Quality Assurance
checkServer Monitoring
checkHack Interventions
checkAccess to our resources
Most Popular



The essentials to provide you with stress-free maintenance.

checkWeekly Quality Assurance
check90 minutes Response Time
checkWeekly Quality Assurance
checkServer Monitoring
checkHack Interventions
checkAccess to our resources



The essentials to provide you with stress-free maintenance.

checkFull time, fully integrated team
checkTeam assigned only to you
checkWeekly Quality Assurance
checkServer Monitoring
checkHack Interventions
checkMonthly subscription

Wir haben Antworten.

Yes, Impreza provides full RTL support out of the box, just change language at Settings > General, and needed styles will apply automatically.

You will be able to get FREE updates while the theme is available on ThemeForest.

Yes, it’s compatible with Multisite, you don’t need to apply any additional settings, just install the theme and use it within multisite network. Please note: you should purchase a regular license for every domain.

It’s possible to use the theme without page builder, you can add your content using regular WordPress functionality, but we’d recommend use WPBakery Page Builder for better convenience.

It’s possible to use the theme without page builder, you can add your content using regular WordPress functionality, but we’d recommend use WPBakery Page Builder for better convenience.

Small Details Make a Big Impression!